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Ninja Theory. Quelli che anni fa avevano una rubrica tutta loro su Edge in cui gridavano ai quattro venti di essere troppo i migliorissimi, ma “l’industry” non gli dava sufficiente credito, anzi, era quasi terrorizzata all’idea di pubblicare la loro immensa tecnologia e le loro idee dirompenti. Ai tempi avevano già date alle stampe Kung Fu Chaos per Xbox, che non era male, ma nemmeno chissà che.

Poi è stata la volta del grande progettone su cui puntare anche le scarpe della figlia: Heavenly Sword (PlayStation 3), finito in un puffettino carino e tutto quanto, ma lungi dal ridefinire i canoni del genere d’appartenenza. Ha venduto un milione di copie, ok, chissenefrega.
Ora Ninja Theory si sposta da Sony a Namco Bandai per Enslaved, che ha tutta l’aria di essere uno di quei giochi d’azione tutti sudore e combo accennate. Previsto per il 2010 per il mondo dell’alta definizione, Enslaved offre un mondo post-apocalittico differente dal solito post-apocalittico. Meno deserto, più selvaggina. Meno Fallout 3, più Bionic Commando, negli Stati Uniti che deportano tutto e tutti verso un misterioso ovest. A indagare ci saranno il peloso Monkey e la sapientina Al “Gore” Trip.

Per l’occasione il gioco sarà prodotto da Andy Serkis, il Gollum di quella monumentale spaccata di palle che è la trilogia del Signore degli Anelli. Perlomeno l’ambientazione sembra interessante e la caratterizzazione meno banale di quello che ci si potrebbe aspettare dai ragazzi di Cambridge. Segue comunicato stampa.
Epic New Action-Adventure from Ninja Theory Combines Cinematic Visuals and Combat, Rich Character and Story Development, and Top-Notch Entertainment Talent
CERGY-PONTOISE, FRANCE – 29 September 2009 – NAMCO BANDAI Games Europe S.A.S announced today Enslaved™ for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft. Developed by Ninja Theory Ltd., Enslaved takes players on a gripping, surprise-filled journey as two dissimilar characters form an uneasy union in order to survive their way through a perilous, post-apocalyptic America. A tactical action-adventure game, Enslaved centers on the complex relationship between the two main characters and challenges players to employ a mix of combat, strategy and environment traversal. With influences and contributions from top music and film industry talent, Enslaved combines beautifully rendered graphics and captivating music with seamless animation and engrossing gameplay. Enslaved is planned for release in 2010.
More than 150 years in the future, the world has transformed into an unrecognizable state where all that remains are a dwindling human population and merciless robots left over from wars long past. In Enslaved, players take on the role of Monkey, a strong and brutish loner, and his AI partner Trip, a technologically savvy but sheltered young woman from a peaceful community. Both become captured by a mysterious slave ship, which are rumored to harvest people and take them out west never to return. As they each attempt to escape, Trip realizes quickly that Monkey, with his raw strength and power, is the only hope she has of making the perilous journey back home. She hacks into a slave headband to enslave Monkey and link them together – if she dies, he dies. Her journey has now become his.
Players must make sure both Monkey and Trip work together as they skillfully navigate through the world and survive against the dangerous enemy obstacles that lie in wait. Monkey will deftly wield his trusty staff weapon to attack and defend against enemies, using a combination of melee attacks, blocks and counters. He will also be able to perform spectacular takedown moves, allowing him to rip an enemy apart piece by piece, take its weapon for his own use or destroy it in one final blow.
Ninja Theory has raised the standards for video game development by enlisting highly talented professionals from other entertainment industries. Emmy, Golden Globe and Bafta nominee actor and director Andy Serkis, renowned for his roles in film as “Gollum” in The Lord of the Rings and the title role “Kong” in King Kong, and villain King Bohan in Heavenly Sword has been tapped to not only direct, but portray the lead character of Monkey. Considered to be the “go-to” talent for performance capture acting, Serkis continues his work with Ninja Theory for Enslaved. As with Heavenly Sword, Serkis is a major contributor to the character and script development, casting and directing for the title. Likewise, world-class musician and composer Nitin Sawhney, whose versatility and talent have helped him score more than 40 films and release eight studio albums, has returned to create the riveting score for Enslaved. Adding to the cavalcade of talented professionals is Alex Garland, novelist and screenwriter who has penned works including the novel The Beach and the movie screenplay for 28 Days Later. Enslaved is Garland’s first video game specific project. He serves as a co-writer and has been heavily involved with creating the script and in-game dialogue.
0 risposte su “Sotto potenziale schiavitù: Enslaved”
Perche’ non mi ispira per nulla?
Non lo so, è una domanda? 🙂
Perché tutto sommato sembra abbia un minimo di carattere, ma non a sufficienza per andare oltre la media? Parlo solo di design dei personaggi e del mondo, come visti da tre immagini in croce (quindi siamo ampiamente nel “ma che parliamo a fare?”).
La monumentale spaccata di palle è il tuo blog osceno e deprimente.
Implodi col mal di denti. :p
Gorman: ci conosciamo?
Hanno intenzione di riciclare il volto della tipa di HS(?)
In effetti parrebbe…